What is Perfect-Touch Ball Therapy™?

It’s a distinctive, non-invasive, and highly effective massage technique suitable for full-body treatment while the recipient remains fully clothed. This comprehensive method incorporates guided breathwork, colour visualization, and specially crafted balls of varying sizes, textures, and colours. Strategically maneuvered by the practitioner’s
hands, these balls target the body’s energy centers, meridians, and pressure points, addressing tight muscles, contracted ligaments, stress-induced nodules, and trigger points from head to toe.

The primary aim of Touch Ball Therapy™ is to facilitate healing through a holistic approach that induces profound relaxation. It not only benefits the recipient but also stimulates TCM acupuncture points in the practitioner’s hands, fostering a therapeutic and healing environment for both parties.



How It Works

The human body inherently responds to touch. As our largest sensory organ, the skin boasts a plethora of receptors. When stimulated, these receptors trigger the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin, which travel to the brain, calming nerves, alleviating anxiety, and fostering improved sleep patterns.


What beneficial chemicals does PTBT release?

The body naturally produces nearly 50 identifiable chemicals, and during the state of relaxation induced by Perfect-Touch Ball Therapy (PTBT), many of these neurotransmitters are able to travel more efficiently, enhancing cell-to-cell
communication to aid in restoring balance within the body. PTBT facilitates the release of several beneficial chemicals and neurotransmitters:

  • Serotonin – Known as the “feel-good” chemical, serotonin soothes nerves, promotes better sleep, and alleviates anxiety. By releasing serotonin, PTBT helps combat depression, thereby improving overall health according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
  • Dopamine – Associated with pleasure and reward, dopamine contributes to a sense of wellbeing.
  • Norepinephrine – Leaves the body feeling energized, often described as a sensation of lightness or walking on a cloud.
  • Endorphins – The brain’s natural painkillers, endorphins are more potent than morphine.

These are just a few examples of the beneficial effects of Perfect-Touch Ball Therapy. In the relaxed state induced by this effective massage, many of the fifty neurotransmitters find a clearer pathway to the brain, travelling more efficiently to restore balance, improve circulation, eliminate toxins, relieve tight muscles, address emotional blockages, and invigorate, rejuvenate, and refresh the body and mind.


Comfortable and Non-Invasive

Many individuals feel uneasy about disrobing for a massage, whether due to body image concerns, time constraints, discomfort with cold temperatures, or religious and cultural considerations. Perfect-Touch Ball Therapy offers a solution as it is performed over clothing, making it an inclusive option suitable for everyone, including children and teens. Moreover, this approach allows practitioners to work around sensitive areas such as breast tissue, the groin area, and the coccyx without direct contact, ensuring a relaxing experience devoid of discomfort that may diminish its therapeutic effects.


Perfect Pressure

Perfect-Touch Ball Therapy offers a deep-tissue experience devoid of the discomfort often linked with traditional hand massages. This makes it especially advantageous for seniors or individuals with reduced muscle mass who may experience pain during conventional massages. Similarly, it caters to those with heavy muscle mass, addressing the challenge of achieving effective massage with traditional techniques.



Perfect-Touch Ball Therapy demonstrates remarkable effectiveness in aiding individuals recovering from surgery, stress, injury, or emotional trauma. Its gentle yet comprehensive approach supports healing and relaxation, rendering it a valuable therapy for rehabilitation purposes.